Hey There
Providence Star Martial Arts Academy offers exclusive sponsorship opportunities for businesses and individuals alike. Sponsors help support our taekwondo tournament team, allowing us to provide the best training and equipment for our athletes. In return, our sponsors receive special recognition and benefits, such as free advertising and exclusive discounts. We are always looking for dedicated sponsors who are passionate about martial arts and want to help our athletes reach their goals.

Logo Sponsorship Tiers Are As Follows:
All sponsors will be: Listed on the PSMAA website * Mentioned on our social media pages and at events * Publicized on Dojang Sponsor board * 10% Discount on PSMAA Gear & Classes
White Belt Level- $25
- Includes small logo on website, social media pages, team warmup t-shirts and sponsor board
Orange Belt Level- $50
- Includes small logo on website, social media pages, team bus, warmup t-shirts and sponsor board
Purple Belt Level- $100
- Includes medium logo on website, social media pages, team bus, team warmup t-shirts and sponsor board
Brown Belt Level -$250
-Listed third on digital advertisements after Red Belt & Black Belt level sponsors with third largest logo presence on website, team bus and team warmup t-shirts
Red Belt Level- $500
-Listed second on digital advertisements after Black Belt level sponsors with second largest logo presence on website, team bus and team warmup t-shirts
Black Belt Level- $1000
-Listed first on digital advertisements with largest logo on website, team bus and team warmup t-shirts